Relationship management

Enhance the ability to build and maintain strong customer relationships through effective communication and interpersonal skills.  Course Includes: Customer Engagement Strategies, Cross-Selling and Up-Selling Techniques, Client Education & Financial Literacy and Navigating difficult Conversations, Managing High Valued Clients, Measuring & Assessing Relationship Success.

Sales force effectiveness

Enhance the ability to attract and retain clients, drive revenue, and achieve sales targets.    Course Includes: Sales Process and Strategy, Customer-Centric Selling, Effective communication and Active Listening, Product and Service Knowledge, Relationship building and Networking, Negotiation Skills, Sales Performance Metrics and KPIs.

Branch management

Effectively lead and manage branch operations, deliver excellent customer service, and drive business growth.   Course Includes: Leadership and People Management, Customer Centric Approach, Sales and Business Development, Operational Efficiency and Process Improvement, CRM, Compliance and Risk Management, Time Management, Marketing and Local Outreach, Problem Solving & Decision-Making, Performance Metrics and KPIs.

Compliance risk management

Ensure adherence to regulatory requirements, mitigate compliance-related risks, and maintain the bank's reputation and integrity.  Course Includes: Regulatory Landscape and Frameworks, Compliance Policies and Procedures, Role of Compliance Officers and Teams, Customer Due Diligence (CDD and KYC), Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Data Privacy and Information Security, Reporting and record Keeping, Internal and External Audits, Continuous Hearing and Adaptation.

Digital Banking

Navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of digital technologies and provide seamless online banking experience.  Course Includes:  Digital Banking Technologies and Trends, Cybersecurity and Data Protection, Online Payments and Transactions, Digital Customer Onboarding, Chatbots and Virtual Assistants, Data Analytics and Customer Insights, Digital Customer Support, Digital Marketing and Customer Engagement.

English language for bank professionals

Effectively communicate with customers, colleagues, and stakeholders in the global banking environment.  Course Includes:  Business Communication Skills, Customer Interaction in English, Presentations and Public Speaking, Professional Terminology and Jargon, Cross-Cultural Communication, Email Etiquette and Business Writing, Negotiation and Conflict Resolution.

Fraud detection, prevention, forgeries & AML

Ensure regulatory compliance, safeguard customer assets, and maintain the integrity of the financial system.  Course Includes: Common Fraud Schemes, Anti-Fraud Strategies and Techniques, Forgery Detection and Prevention, AML Regulations and Compliance, Know Your Customer (KYC) Procedures, Transaction Monitoring & Reporting, Due Diligence on High-Risk Customers.

International trade Finance

Facilitate cross-border trade transactions, mitigate risks, and provide valuable financial services to businesses engaged in international trade.  Course Includes: Trade Finance Instruments, LC Operations, Documentary Collections, Export and Import Financing, Risk Mitigations and Trade Insurance, International Payment Methods, Compliance and Regulatory Considerations, Cross-Border Trade Risks and Risk Management.

Corporate credit risk

Effectively evaluate and manage credit risks associated with lending to corporate clients.  Course Includes: Credit Risk Assessment Framework, Financial Statement Analysis, Qualitative Analysis and Industry Assessment, Credit Scoring Models, Cashflow Analysis for Corporates, Collateral Evaluation and Risk Mitigation, Loan Structure and Documentation, Stress Testing and Sensitivity Analysis.

Driving customer experiences

Enhance Customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention.  Course Includes: Customer- Centric Mindset and Culture, Understanding Customer Needs and Expectations, Effective Communication Skills, Building Rapport and Trust, Problem-Solving and Conflict Resolution, Personalized Customer Interactions, Omni-Channel Customer Experience, Anticipating Customer Needs, Continuous Improvement and Feedback.

Digital marketing and social media management

Engage customers, promote banking products, and enhance the bank's online presence.  Course Includes:  Developing Digital Marketing Strategy, Content Creation and Management, Social Media Advertising, Customer Engagement and Relationship Building, Analytics and Measurement, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Mobile Marketing Optimization.

SME Financing

Effectively assess, support, and provide financial solutions tailored to the unique needs of small businesses.  Course Includes: SME Financing Product and Services, Credit Assessment and Risk Management, Collateral and Security Requirements, Cash Flow Analysis for SMEs, Building Relationships with SME Clients, Tailoring Financial Solutions for SMEs, Monitoring and Support.